Stormwater Quality Design
Rain Garden Apartments
Wilsonville, Oregon
Extensive use of rain gardens and vegetated swales as well as permeable pavers were used to capture rain water and allow for water to drain into the the soil on the site.
Architect: William Wilson Architects, Portland, Oregon
Benchmade Knife Company Parking Lot
Oregon City, Oregon
Anderson Associates was responsible for the planting and irrigation design for a new parking lot at the Benchmade Knife Headquarters. Design included vegetated swales and rain gardens that received storm water runoff from the parking lot where the plants helped clean the water of toxins and provided for controlled drainage during peak storm conditions. The project construction was completed in 2013.
Client: Benchmade Knife Company, Oregon City, Oregon
Avamere - Bethany Cottages
Just after planting............
One year later............
Beaverton, Oregon
Completed in 2007, the cottages were a second phase of the assisted living campus. Runoff from the roofs and parking lot is directed to a large water quality planter where the water slowly percolates in to the ground that is planted with native, seasonally water tolerant species.
Architect: Myhre Group Architects, Portland, Oregon